Meet Elizabeth!
This is for my animated short film, which I'll post here sometime soon!
Cafe Sketches
Took a road trip up to Oregon, this was done on the road, while co-piloting!
This is an Anarchist cafe in Portland!
A typical (AWESOME) page of notes in class...
Some "people on the BART" sketches...
Gather is a sweet looking VEG place in Berkeley, unfortunately I'm too poor to try it yet...
Some Nerd Sketches from the local Anime Convention...
Decided I need to work on my buildings/perspective... this ones across from the convention center in SJ
I think my favorite costume was the Giant Ewok costume! :D
Started a sketch group here in San Jose!
Some humorous BART sketches I liked
Some BARTraits ;)
SO unlike me to leave this much white space but... I liked the sketches so here you go...
An unfinished sketch based on the sculptures on campus
More sketch group goodness...
Bar Sketches in Southern California haha
Dared to do some left handed drawing after a few beers...
While in Southern California, I went to the Getty Museum where they had this amazing show of the French painter/scuptor Gerome... simply amazing!!
So... naturally I did some studies... :D!
"The Ball Player"
and another sketch from the main collection @ the Getty
an amusing sketch of my Grandfather (top) and some other guy haha
A 'hobbit house' in Berke-town!
Okay that's it for now! Long time coming, but thanks to you all who looked forward to this post and asked me, "hey, when's you're next post?" It means a lot, and I'm gonna try to not have a gap like this again... See you next week with some scans from my new sketchbook!